
Serene and Graham – The Whitehouse, Chillington, Devon, Wedding Photography – Bristol Wedding Photographer

Last month I was all the way down by the sea in Devon to a place called Chillington where Serene and Graham were getting married at the super cool Whitehouse. It was a very small intimate affair of just close family and friends. I loved all of the little things that choose for their day including the most colourful and interesting bouquet I’ve ever seen and awesome Irregular Choice shoes. I spent the morning with Serene, her sister and mother getting ready (and Emma from Kiss and Make up) while nipping downstairs to catch some of Graham and family before the ceremony. After the ceremony Serene, Graham and myself jumped in the car and headed to the beach at Torcross, just a couple of villages along, this was probably my favourite part of the day, despite it being insanely windy, it was dry and that’s the main thing :) Here’s some of my favourites:

1 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

2 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

3 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

4 Bristol Wedding Photography

5 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

6 Bristol Wedding Photography

7 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

10 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

11 Bristol Wedding Photography

12 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

14 Bristol Wedding Photography

15 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

16 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

18 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

19 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

20 Bristol Wedding Photography

21 Bristol Wedding Photography

22 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

24 Bristol Wedding Photography

25 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

26 Bristol Wedding Photography

27 Bristol Wedding Photography

28 Bristol Wedding Photography

29 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

30 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

31 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

32 Bristol Wedding Photography

33 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

34 Bristol Wedding Photographer

35 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

36 Bristol Wedding Photography

37 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

38 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

40 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

41 Bristol Wedding Photography

42 Bristol Wedding Photographer

43 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

44 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

45 Bristol Wedding Photography

47 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

48 Bristol Wedding Photography

49 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

50 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

51 Bristol Wedding Photography

52 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

53 Bristol Wedding Photography

54 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

55 Bristol Wedding Photography

56 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

57 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

58 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

60 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

61 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

62 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

65 Bristol Wedding Photography

66 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography

67 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

68 Chillington Devon Wedding Photography

69 Bristol Wedding Photography

70 The Whitehouse Devon Wedding Photography