
Dani and Tom – Priston Mill – Bristol Wedding Photographer

Dani and Tom got married recently at Timsbury parish church at what was possibly the most laughter filled church ceremony I’ve been a part of. It was lovely and relaxed (to the point where the vicar let me photograph from anywhere I wanted as she knew how it important it was to Dani and Tom, I thank her for that :) ) Looking at the photos now I remember that we did have some sunshine in June, I had forgotten :) They then went onto Priston Mill which is lovely barn fairly close to Bath, where there was yet more laugher with some of the funniest speeches I have ever heard, I laughed pretty much throughout, good work guys :) I think though that the highlight for me was when Dani’s brother’s band Narrow Plains played a few songs at the beginning of the evening. They were awesome, check them out! Here’s some sunshine for you:

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22 Gloucestershire Wedding Photographer

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